Tuesday 6 November 2012

Athrun Zala G.E.M. Megahouse Gundam Seed Destiny HD Remaster Project

Just arrived today! Athrun Zala G.E.M. Series from Megehouse. SOOO COOL. Gundam Seed/Destiny are some of my favourite series so I'm really excited to get this. Much nicer quality than the original RAHDX figure of him. Tracking said it was going to be delivered today so I waited around for hours and the delivery man didn't arrive until 1. Turned out his van broke down and had to be repaired. Anyway, I had to start work at 2 so I didn't have enough time to take outside shots but, I'll get around to them tomorrow I think. For now I'll show you a few pictures I took when opening him up for the first time.

His head actually has a ball point joint in the neck so his head can swivel around which is pretty awesome. His hand on the arm reaching out can rotate around so if you want him to be holding the Haro you can. Two haros come with this figure, both the same colour but one has it's little 'wing's spread out and has a mustache drawn on his face (like the one Lacus draws in the show) and the other one has no mustache and it's 'wings' in. There are also two faces that you can put on Athrun. One is a more serious one but the other one has him smiling a little which is nice. The Base is somewhat basic but well done. At first in the pictures I thought he looked a little different than the show but since I've got him I think this figure was done really well. It's great to have another male figure in the collection. Too few of them I reckon.
This is the first pre order figure ever (That I didn't cancel) and it came from Amiami. Also the first time I've purchased from them so that was all pretty exciting as well. I've got Lacus pre ordered (She was supposed to come out with Athrun but got delayed until the end of November :( but yeah I'm pretty excited to get her and I'm REALLY excited for the Kira Yamato figure coming out next year. I can't wait to finally have a proper figurine of Kira in my collection. Up until now I've only had the I-doll one which was pretty basic. About time they made a figure of him! This lacus will be my Sixth figure of her. I have the 2 RAHDX of her, the large and small I-doll and the ball point doll of her. So yeah, overall I'm really excited to get them.
Here's a slide show of some of the other pictures I took (shipping box, figure box, figure inserts etc.)
You can see his serious face in this picture as well.

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